Lindus sent the following memo to Daily Breeze staff:
Everyone,*Update: The Daily Breeze story on the announcement is here.
Please take a couple of minutes to congratulate Toni Sciacqua on her new title and job responsibilities. Toni has accepted the challenges of editor for the Daily Breeze and its associated products. She has performed well during the interim period; understands and embraces the importance of our roles as journalists; and, is ready to meet the challenges of growing our audiences in both print and online with fresh ideas that reach out to not only to the Boomers, but also Millennials.
Congrats Toni. From the Senior Leadership Team/OC – we all look forward to working with you.
There will be cake in the newsroom today, so please share the announcements with your staffs. And Frank [Suraci, DB city editor], a story would be appropriate for our readers on our business page.
Toni is a talented, class act who already is a strong leader and advocate for Breeze journalists. She knows the South Bay market and will use resources as effectively as possible. Congrats and best of luck.
Lindus should ask some of her writers to help her write.
Congratulations Toni.
Congrats to Toni. Breezers are lucky they picked her and not somebody from the outside.
DB and all the other LANG/MNG papers are going down the drain. I stopped picking up the paper because the quality has taken a nose dive.
Toni (sp?) can't change that on her own.
Going down the drain? As a non employee and avid newspaper reader I find this group of newspapers among the worst. No identity and no localness. Why would I pay more for those newspapers than others who give me a better read?
Hey, but at least some of us ate cake.
Thank god they hired someone under 40! They tend to have " leaders" in thier 70's who are so disconected from todays and the future generation of news readers.
Age doesn't make you disconnected. There are a lot of 60 year olds that can run rings around 30 year olds as far as connecting with readers.
Yes but the 60-80 year olds at the singleton empire have been neutered. Newspapers need to connect to the new portable device generation.
Singleton has never had a good Idea. If you can name a good idea he has come up with please tell me.
The future is like this http://www.voiceofsandiego.org/
Don't forget newspapers contribute to global warming. Look at your recycle bin.
New motto" Kill the Earth Read a newspaper "
Paywalls No! Good Content YES!
The Breeze hired somebody who it hopes can turn chicken sh*t to chicken salad.
But it won't happen.
All teh good writers and quality work was fired or "let go" so now the paper is left with a mediocre staff putting out a mediocre paper.
Oh please, sorry to rain on your parade but a coconut has more personality than Toni. I worked with her and yes they fired all the good writers and left the young writers who will do anything to keep their jobs. Toni has no people skills and walks around like her "you know what" don't stink but thats all Breeze employees including her goof of a husband who is the sports editor or at least tries to be one. He has absolutely no communication skills. But thats the least of his issues. Toni is nothing but a glorified designer who offers no fresh ideas. Even her own coworkers don't respect her.
I concur with 10:22. Toni has had her nose in the air about the "superiority" of the Breeze for years, and barely makes an effort to hide her disdain for the other newspapers in her group. She's yet another designer who's decided that the be-all and end-all of a newspaper is what it looks like, not what its mission is or how it should read.
they turn quickly don't they?
And how quickly they jump ship too. like Sanfield did after months of "we are going to ride this through" speeches while all along he was planning on leaving. some see it as smart but its sad, thats all it is, to lie to your workers and ask them to sacrifice while you are packing your bags. Toni took the scraps left over. Breeze people don't care about any other papers and its horrible they get special deadlines while the rest suffer.
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