Oct 15, 2008

Debate! Debate! 4

Last question is on education.

Obama: More to do with out economic and national security than any other issue. More accountability, more teachers, higher pay, parent involvement, affordable college.

McCain: Civil rights issue of the 21st century. More competition. School choice. Improve student loan system.

Should federal government get involved?

Obama: Local control but more federal involvement. "No Child Left Behind" left the money behind. More early childhood education and higher salaries in exchange for accountability. More charter schools. Opposes vouchers.

McCain: Aggressively pushes vouchers, using Washington, DC as an example. Says Head Start needs more transparency and reform... and we'll find the cause of autism.

Closing statements.

McCain: America needs a new direction. Can't do what we did the last 8 years. I have a record of reform. I've been a careful steward of your tax dollars. Have to stop the spending that mortgaged your children's futures. Spent entire life in service to the nation.

Obama: The policies of the last 8 years and Washington's unwillingness to tackle tough problems has put us in bad situation. Can't risk continuing the same failed policies and politics and expect a different result. Fundamental change is needed. Won't be easy or quick. Need spirit of sacrifice and responsibility.


Todd said...

Either the "Dye is Cast" or the "Die is cast." To extend the blacksmithing methaphor, even Diebold must be telling their friends "Sorry boys, we can't pull this one Out of the Fire This Time."

Unknown said...

Pedants' Corner - Die is actually the singular of dice - hence the die is cast, as in throwing dice.

In our current national emergency, these things really matter.