Apr 22, 2008

Washington Post removes AME*

Susan B. Glasser, assistant managing editor at the Washington Post, was reportedly removed from her position over concerns about a grinding management style and low morale among reporters - some of whom I assume are considering the paper's buyout offer.

Glasser, 39, oversaw the national news desk, one of the most important at the paper. I'm certainly not privy to the inner workings of the Post, although it does strike me as extreme to yank an editor from the newsroom for issues over morale. Perhaps there is more to the story than we now know. This post on the Washington City Paper website notes friction between Glasser and the political reporters, star Dana Milbank among them. There's also a report that her desk turned down an early story on the Rev. Jeremiah Wright.

*Michael Calderone at Politico has an update on Glasser and her memo to the newsroom.

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