Feb 26, 2008

Debate! Debate! 2

Clinton defends her record on creating new jobs (she didn't create as many as she said she would), saying her pledge was based on an Al Gore victory in 2000.

On to foreign policy

Obama uses Iraq to say he has better judgment. Clinton puts forward her extensive experience. She goes on to say he spoke out against the war when he didn't have any responsibility. What will Obama say in response? Does he bring up Cheney? This is an opening for him...

(She keeps talking after she delivers her sharpest jabs to soften the response)

He comes back with a "he facilitated and enabled" George Bush on Iraq. Sounds like he's sharpened his elbows. Talks about going after al Qaeda unilaterally in Pakistan, too, by noting that the Bush administration just did the same.

Will we leave Iraq immediately?

Obama says if the Iraqis tell us to leave we have to leave. But we should build a partnership on the basis that we will implement a phased withdrawal.

Clinton agrees. An impatient Russert interrupts: Will we reinvade if Iraq starts to crumble?

Clinton says he's asking "hypotheticals" and calls for an orderly withdrawal. Now she's looking for a chance to hit Obama, says he's held no subcommittee hearings to try to change course in Afghanistan (cause that's how it's done apparently).

Obama comes back with an answer on Afghanistan, acknowledging now hearings and then laying out why Iraq has hampered our efforts to rally NATO.

Again, this is a good debate and my blog is a poor summary.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Actually, a pretty good summary. Question: What would you have expected Obama to say about Cheney (i.e. what was his opening) and how could such a mention of the Sith Lord hurt Hillary?