decisive thoughts for precise living
Just hear the Press-Telegram CLOSED. What's going on Gary?
Big-time layoffs at the P-T today. But Dougie survives because he has photos of a naked Lean Dean banging a billy goat while sitting on his scooter.
Seriously? People were laid off and somehow Doug Krikorian survives? What's the matter with LANG. Doug brings NOTHING to the table that has to do with sports coverage!
So who were the people fired at the Press-Telegram? Any names out there yet?
Hearing F.B. in sports was cut loose.
Frank Burlison was fired but Doug Krikorian was saved? This is a joke, right?
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Just hear the Press-Telegram CLOSED. What's going on Gary?
Big-time layoffs at the P-T today. But Dougie survives because he has photos of a naked Lean Dean banging a billy goat while sitting on his scooter.
Seriously? People were laid off and somehow Doug Krikorian survives? What's the matter with LANG. Doug brings NOTHING to the table that has to do with sports coverage!
So who were the people fired at the Press-Telegram? Any names out there yet?
Hearing F.B. in sports was cut loose.
Frank Burlison was fired but Doug Krikorian was saved?
This is a joke, right?
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