Jul 21, 2010

How to create talking points for right-wing media critics

The moment then-American Spectator writer Ezra Klein created the semi-private Journolist listserv for liberal journalists and thinkers, a ticking political time bomb was created. No matter what the rationale for this closed online discussion group, no matter that contributors were mostly columnists and bloggers who self-identified as liberal commentators, the contents were bound to become fodder for those who claim the mainstream media holds a liberal bias. And so it came to pass, when the Daily Caller, an online outfit started by conservative-pundit Tucker Carlson, began publishing comments made to the list during the 2008 presidential campaign. The fact that liberal opinion-makers expressed liberal opinions doesn't seem all that newsworthy, but to those news operations that wish to blend opinion and news, this incident should serve as a cautionary tale.

On that note, I would be remiss if I didn't mention that today's Daily Caller post mentions KCRW. Since I work for the station, I'll hand it off to LA Observed to lay out what happened, which you can read here.

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