Mar 15, 2010

A Pasadena journo in Bangkok

Todd Ruiz, former City Hall reporter for the Pasadena Star-News and current expat, is filing dispatches on the anti-government protests in Thailand from his home in Bangkok. From the latest entry:
A red riot of celebration erupted along Rajdamnoen as demonstrators hoping to bring down the government reveled in their strength of numbers and unity.

Turnout is difficult to gauge and always subject to spin, especially in a country where sources can essentially smile and say whatever they want without being pressed further. The government is playing it down in the tens-of-thousands range; UDD organizers are claiming half a million. Based on my own experience with such things, I'd estimate well over 100,000.

Most of the red constituency are readily filed into handy categories. "Rural" and "poor" being the adjectives within easiest reach.

Ruiz is blogging at Reporter in Exile. His latest updates can be found here and here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Go Todd!!!