Hammond spent 10 years at the Daily News and wrote the paper's "Inside The Kings" blog. He did stints at the Orange County Register and Torrance Daily Breeze as well.
Here's Hammond's quote from the team's announcement:
"I’m grateful to the Daily News for allowing me to develop my passion for covering hockey, and I’m excited about the opportunity to bring even better, more comprehensive coverage to Kings fans while maintaining the same journalistic standards."
Lucky son-of-a-gun.
dayum!!! i'm envious. out of newspapers and LANG?? wow!
congrats rich hammond!
Good luck, Rich. It isn't always easy maintaining journalistic standards when the team employs you, but fight the good fight.
why would someone leave the newspaper business to go to work for a professional sports team with better pay, working conditions, leadership and benefits?
Let's see what happens if a scandal erupts. In New York, Cablevision, which owns the Rangers, Knicks, MSG as well a cable company, bought Newsday from Sam Zell. After news broke that a Knick player was named in sex lawsuit, the paper wrote about it. Cablevision nearly fired all the top editors and was only stopped by efforts of the publisher.
hey, you get what you pay for.
Eddie, couldn't agree with you more. But as you know, this is what you get with the demise of newspapers and consolidation of ownership.
To be fair, I don't think people will expect hard-hitting exposes from the team's Website.
isn't there a conflict of interest here?
good golly people, it isn't always easy maintaining journalistic standards at many newspapers. readers will quickly be able to understand if this is a pr column or real sports journalism.
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