Aug 20, 2008

Comings and goings

Comings: USC j-school grad Amanda Becker has taken a reporting job at the Los Angeles Daily Journal.

Goings: Daily Bulletin City Editor Kelly Bowser and DB reporter Andrea Bennett have both announced they're leaving. Here's the memo from Senior Editor Mike Brossart:

For those who weren't in this morning's staff meeting at the Bulletin, this is to let you know that two of our folks are departing for new opportunities soon. City Editor Kelly Bowser's last day will be Sept. 5. Reporter Andrea Bennett's last day will be Aug. 28. Both have done terrific work at the Bulletin and at The Sun; they are both fine journalists. I have greatly enjoyed working with Kelly and Andrea over the past few months. Please join me in wishing them all the best.

Also, farther away, the editor of the El Paso Times has stepped down. The Times is owned by MediaNews.


Mike Rappaport said...

Why is Kelly leaving?

Better job?

She was doing a good job there.

Anonymous said...

I liked Kelly. I also thought she was doing a good job. Her staff did a lot of good work.

What happens to her staff now? I imagine she got tired of the monkey business that goes on in the background at that place and just decided to leave.

Now Lambert can stick one of his cronies in there do to his bidding. And that way the DB can stop winning a decent number of awards every year and start earning ONE every other year the way the Sun does.

How proud he must be.