Nov 28, 2007

Debate! Debate! 3

John McCain, looking like he might rip the skin on his neck if he turns his head any faster, gives some tough talk on Iraq. Can't withdraw or it will give al Qaeda a win.

Duncan Hunter reminds the Muslim world how generous we are. He will never apologize for the United States of America.

Ooh, waterboarding!

Mitt hides behind the top secret veil. He can't say whether he supports waterboarding because we can't tell everyone the strategies we are using. He also loves Guantanamo.

McCain: "I am astonished ... that anyone could believe that is not torture." Snap. Here comes Mitt, "I did not say and do not say I am in favor of torture" but he will not tell you what he's not in favor of. A very interesting exchange.

Should we remain in Iraq?

Thompson says no but he's vested in a scenario of victory.
Paul gets booed for saying the best thing we can do is give Iraqis their country back.
McCain gets angry at the reference to Vietnam - we won all the battles but lost public opinion, he says.

This whole debate seems to be about attitudes. I'm not sure any of the attitudes I am seeing is a surprise.

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