Aug 23, 2008

Quick thoughts on the Biden selection

OK, I think it's a smart move for two big reasons. One, he can campaign in areas that Obama can't and rally the whiter, working class troops. Second, his strengths are John McCain's strengths and his weaknesses are John McCain's weakness. McCain's long experience, Biden has it. McCain's maverick streak, Biden has it. Biden's penchant for gaffes, McCain's got it. Biden's hair-trigger temper, McCain's got it. Biden's entrenchment in Washington, McCain's got it.

This is important because even if Biden makes some mistakes over the course of the campaign, it is going to be hard for the McCain campaign to capitalize on them.

Biden is an equalizer. Politically, racially and experientially.

It's also a page book out of the Bush campaign.

Sidenote: Plenty of people have already made the gaffe of calling Obama "Osama." So I wonder what those prone to flubs - sometimes innocent, and sometimes not - will make of Obama-Biden, which has many of the same letters as Osama bin Laden.

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